New film raises questions on Kendrick Johnson death

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LOWNDES COUNTY, Ga. — The parents of a Georgia teenager who was found dead inside a rolled-up gym mat revealed a new documentary film about their son.
Kendrick Johnson died last year. The 18-year-old Valdosta student's death was first ruled accidental, but his parents believe he was murdered. Now there's a federal investigation and a new documentary film about the incident.
The film raises questions about Johnson's death and the investigation surrounding it.
In January 2013, Johnson was found dead in a wrestling mat at Lowndes County High School.
Thursday, his parents were flanked by filmmakers and their attorney to unveil the documentary titled: "Unfortunate: What Really Happened to Kendrick Johnson."
They also called for passage of "Kendrick's law." It would require all coroners to be medically licensed.
Johnson's parents believe the medical examiner in their son's case was wrong when he ruled the teen died from "positional asphyxiation," unable to breathe when he allegedly tried to retrieve a pair of sneakers in the mat.
The U.S. Justice Department is now investigating.
This week Lowndes County sheriff's deputies released a report confirming the alibi of one of the two brothers Johnson's family believes may have played a role in his death.