North Fulton County

Cameras catch dozens of violators passing north Fulton school buses

NORTH FULTON COUNTY, Ga. — Police across north Fulton County are warning drivers if you pass a school bus picking up or letting off kids, you will face fines.

Channel 2’s Mike Petchenik first reported about the Fulton County School District's plan to crack down on people passing buses by putting cameras on some buses. %



In just one month, those cameras caught dozens of violators

The cameras mounted on the side of some buses captured car, after car, after car blowing by the bus stop arm.

Petchenik showed the clips to mother Rebecca Cook.

“That's so dangerous for these kids. It's dangerous," Cook said.

School officials told Petchenik in just one month, police departments issued 52 warning citations to drivers.

"You have a very clear image of the license plate. You have a clear image of the vehicle. You have a clear image of the violation occurring," said Roswell Police Officer Lisa Holland.

Holland said the grace period is over and violators will now face fines. %



"There was such a large amount of people knowing that there were cameras on these buses that people are still passing the school bus," Holland said.

"I think it's a wonderful thing they're cracking down. (My daughter’s) going be going to school in two or three years and those things are for our safety, for our kids safety," Cook said.

"We would rather save a child's life than write a ticket," Holland said.

Tickets for the violations aren't cheap. The first offense will cost you $300, a second offense $750 and a third violation in five years will cost $1,000.