North Fulton County

Trapper nabs 4th coyote from same neighborhood

The 45-pound coyote was caught not far from Roswell High School. 

ROSWELL, Ga. — Another coyote has been captured – the fourth in the same Roswell neighborhood.

A trapper showed Channel 2's Justin Wilfon his latest catch.

“I got there and checked my traps, and this is what we got this morning,” trapper Tim Smith said as he showed Wilfon the 45-pound animal as it laid in a cage.

“All coyotes act like that when they’re caught, but don’t underestimate them,” Smith warned.

Neighbors shared a picture of the animal on the prowl in a Roswell neighborhood before it was caught.

The animals have become such a problem just north of Roswell High School, one neighbor hired trapper Smith to catch them. So far, he’s caught four.


“They’re eating all the small dogs in the neighborhood, rabbits, every once in a while, we’ll get one that wants to come up to kids at the bus stop,” Smith said.

The latest coyote was caught Thursday morning off of King Road.

“We’re concerned.  We have a dog.  Like everybody else, we’re concerned about what this means,” neighbor Tommy Wall told Wilfon.

“We have two grandsons and that concerns us too because they’re over at our house a lot,” neighbor Jan Wall said.

The latest capture was only about a mile from where a rabid coyote attacked a man out for a jog in March 2017.

Smith believes the coyote captured Thursday is healthy but said he will euthanize the animal in accordance with Georgia law.

He warned neighbors to keep an eye out for other coyotes still on the prowl.

“Keep your dog on a leash, don’t let him run wild,” Smith said.

Smith also suggests not leaving your garbage outside.  Like other animals, coyotes are attracted to it.