Paulding County

Students hid evidence, likely won’t face charges after taking drug-laced candy, passing out


PAULDING COUNTY, Ga. — Some Paulding County High School administrators are trying to figure out what substance two students took Tuesday morning that made them sick.

They both passed out and had to be rushed to a nearby hospital.

By the time deputies arrived, they said the students had already gotten rid of the evidence.

Investigators say they’ll probably never know what those kids took which makes it hard to criminally charge anyone.

Channel 2′s Tyisha Fernandes spoke to some parents and grandparents of students at the school.

“It’s wrong, I mean they need to keep that stuff out of schools -- guns and drugs, you know?” Richard Peacock said.

Principal Andy Dorsey told parents what happened in letters sent out Wednesday and Thursday.


The latest letter said a student got a hold of their parents’ drug-laced candy and at least two students ate the candy and started falling out and had to be rushed to a nearby hospital.

Paulding County deputies said one of the students admitted he also hit a vape without knowing what was in it.

Parent Ashley Johnson said she has never talked to her 17-year-old son about drug-laced candy.

“You know, I never even really thought about that honestly. He knows what edibles are. He’s almost 17. He knows right from wrong,” Johnson said.

Deputies said both students got rid of the evidence before they arrived so they’re not sure what was in the candy or vape, and they don’t have enough to criminally charge anyone for the incident.

School administrators said they’re doing their own investigation.