
Paulding school goes to virtual learning after nearly 90 sickened with COVID-19

PAULDING COUNTY, Ga. — A Paulding County elementary school moved to digital learning this week after nearly 90 students became infected with COVID-19 just weeks into the school year.

Shelton Elementary School in Dallas will do virtual learning through Friday of next week.

At least 94 students and staff members at Shelton have gotten COVID-19 since the start of the school year. Paulding does not require students and staff to wear masks.


School officials said the outbreak has had a severe impact on their staffing in all areas of the school.

“We believe the brief respite while we temporarily shift to DLD will have a significant effect in reducing the spread of COVID-19 in our school, will allow us to thoroughly disinfect and fog the entire school building with no students or staff present, and will provide valuable time for students and staff affected by the virus to recuperate and hopefully return to school in good health,” officials said.

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