
Police searching for men in condo robbery with Uzi-style gun

ATLANTA — Police need your help in finding two men they say broke into an upscale apartment complex and held up a concierge with an Uzi-style gun.

It happened at the Plaza Midtown on Peachtree Place.

Channel 2's Audrey Washington obtained photos of the two male suspects.

Atlanta police say on June 19, the two men broke into the apartment. Someone heard the commotion and then called the congierge.

When the concierge showed up, police said the men then turned on him and put an Uzi-style gun to his head.

“That’s excessive, you know? A pistol but an Uzi? That’s like an automatic weapon," said resident Brittan Wiley.


The burglars stole the man’s cellphone and then took off, according to police.

“There was no way to stop, no way to stop the gentlemen from what they had the mind state to do," said resident Dusty McManus.

McManus knows the concierge. He said despite the robbery, he believes management is working to help police and keep people at the building, safe.

“We're aware what to look for and who to look for and so the alerts are out," McManus said.

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