WASHINGTON, D.C. — Longtime broadcaster and radio news director of the Washington Bureau of Cox Media Group, Jamie Dupree, had some wonderful news to share: He's getting his voice back. At least, in a way.
After more than two years of suffering with a mysterious condition that makes him unable to speak, a new computer program designed specifically for Dupree will be able to talk for him.
A Scottish company name CereProc was able to build an application that pairs years of Dupree's archived radio programs with text-to-speak feature. The result: A computerized voice that sounds at least something like the Dupree so many knew and loved.
Dupree has dubbed the program "Dupree 2.0" and plans to be back on the radio starting June 18.
Fellow news reporters and politicians, including House Speaker Paul Ryan and Rep. Barry Loudermilk were all thrilled to hear the news. Here are some of their reactions:
Glad to hear you'll be back on the airwaves soon!
— Paul Ryan (@SpeakerRyan) June 11, 2018
Hey, @jamiedupree! Such amazingly wonderful news! I’ll be speaking abt this miracle invention on @HouseFloor Tuesday after votes! Happy for u and ur familia, amigo! https://t.co/HBBWZxgmJg
— Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (@RosLehtinen) June 11, 2018
Welcome back @jamiedupree 2.0. It will be great to hear you on the airwaves again. https://t.co/Ect5J5sG19
— Barry Loudermilk (@RepLoudermilk) June 11, 2018
For the 1st time in five years I actually wish I was on the air this morning --- to welcome this great man's voice back to the airwaves. https://t.co/g26BrvbW74
— Neal Boortz (@Talkmaster) June 11, 2018
For the first time in two years, @jamiedupree will be back on the radio. His voice is still gone, but Dupree 2.0 uses remarkable technology sifting thru years of archived audio records to recreate his voice. #gapol https://t.co/iD4Tb6KaZw
— Greg Bluestein (@bluestein) June 11, 2018
❤️ @jamiedupree and personally welcome the Dupree 2.0 Era. https://t.co/8S6MkjpvIe
— Meredith Shiner (@meredithshiner) June 11, 2018
Here's some very good news today. @jamiedupree will be back on the radio soon with the help of digital voice technology https://t.co/Kj68nm1bf9
— Ben Strauss (@benjstrauss) June 11, 2018
You wanna feel good today? Technology has done what docs have not been able to do: give @jamiedupree a voice again. Amazing news for a great reporter. https://t.co/yzy0Rq380Q
— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) June 11, 2018
My pal @jamiedupree to return to the airwaves next week. Great news! @wsbradio https://t.co/OOBSpgpdte
— Sandra Parrish (@WSBParrish) June 11, 2018
Jamie is the best!!! We are thrilled to soon welcome the inspiring Jamie Dupree back to the WSB airwaves! In his own words: With my voice still gone, time for Jamie Dupree 2.0: https://t.co/lKE9i67Q9O pic.twitter.com/NJJIynx16Q
— Fred Blankenship (@FBlankenshipWSB) June 11, 2018
I ♥️ this story! Thank you @RosLehtinen for highlighting @jamiedupree’s story on the House floor. Glad to have him back on radio here in the ATL! He has been missed. https://t.co/VZkxjoEe6D
— Amy Kremer (@AmyKremer) June 11, 2018
.@jamiedupree is a longtime broadcast journalist - a really good one - who lost his ability to speak. Now, with the help of technology, Jamie is getting his voice back. Please take a moment to read Jamie’s inspiring story. https://t.co/lOBToYa34J
— Steve Scott (@SteveScottNEWS) June 11, 2018
I join with @jamiedupree’s many fans in my excitement over this wonderful news. @wsbradio is fortunate to have this seasoned journalist on their D.C. news team. We look forward to having you back on the air soon, Jamie! https://t.co/OCnOQtirgv
— Johnny Isakson (@SenatorIsakson) June 11, 2018
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