
Residents of a South Fulton condo complex are tired of the crime in their community

SOUTH FULTON, Ga. — Over the last three decades, crime has taken over this community called Camelot. There was a triple murder and a fire being investigated, as an arson happened just within the last few days.

The crime has made it so that some homeowners are afraid to go outside of their homes because of constant gunfire.

“There’s times when I don’t know what kind of weapons they’re using, but it sounds like cannons are going off at times, and it makes you hit the floor,” said resident Condia Perry.

The police said they’ve been called to Camelot over 100 times this year.

“It’s just really frightening. And if I hear a gunshot, I cringe and duck and hope that it’s not coming in our direction, so it’s awful in that sense, but I still remain hopeful,” said resident Glen White-Alderson.

The message of hope was echoed by elected officials and city workers at the news conference this morning.


“Camelot residents, y’all called, and we’re here to answer the call. We’re done kicking the can down the road,” said City of South Fulton Councilman Corey Reeves.

The group promised to improve the area by pouring money and other resources into it to clean it up. The South Fulton city departments are going to get the squatters out of these abandoned units.

Residents said they will feel much safer once they seal off those units.

This cleanup will not only affect Camelot but also affect all of the neighboring communities.