
Some Atlanta streets may be repurposed for walkers or bicyclists only

ATLANTA — As many of you are staying home more during the coronavirus pandemic, more people are walking and biking around metro Atlanta.

Now plans are in the works to take away some streets you may use to give walkers and bikers more room with fewer people driving.

Council member Amir Farokhi led the charge for the resolution to repurpose traffic lanes solely for walkers and bicyclists. Monday, all of Atlanta’s council agreed.

The resolution would leave it up to neighborhood planning units regarding which streets could be transformed.

The decision would ultimately rest on the city’s Department of Transportation to implement.

While there still is not nearly as much traffic as Triple Team Traffic is known to cover, it is building but Farokhi says we must think beyond that.

“Now is a really critical time to evaluate how we use public space and what type of city do we want to have,” Farokhi said.

A lot of major cities in the U.S. and around the world have made this change during the pandemic.