
Subway restaurant fails health inspection with score of 52, months after near-perfect score


GWINNETT COUNTY, Ga. — UPDATE: After a re-inspection, the Gwinnett County Subway restaurant scored an 87 the week of June 6.



A well-known sandwich franchise restaurant in Gwinnett County went from a near-perfect health inspection score to a failing one.

The Subway at 7130 Buford Highway got a score of 99 just two months ago. On May 23, it took a huge plunge in its score to 52.

There were cleanliness issues noted in the inspection report including the soda nozzle with a black substance.

Other violations included meatballs not held hot enough, tuna not cooling fast enough and an employee handling money, then making a sandwich.


When Channel 2's Carol Sbarge went to the Subway Thursday, there was one worker there.

That person told Sbarge the manager and owner were not there and would get in touch with a statement. That has not yet happened. The Subway did prominently display the failing score of 52 and did not try to deceive customers as some restaurants do with an old score.

Sbarge also saw an outside repair person working on the soda machine.