This major project should help prevent massive data breaches like Equifax

ATLANTA — Georgia Governor Nathan Deal hopes his new $60 million Cybersecurity Innovation and Training Center in Augusta will help companies stop the kind of massive data breach seen with Atlanta-based Equifax.

Deal made construction of that cybersecurity center one of his top priorities during the last General Assembly.

The center will work with similar centers being built by the National Security Agency and the U.S. Army at Fort Gordon near Augusta.


"It is important that we train people with the proper skills to be able to handle potential breaches and be able to, more importantly, prevent them, and that is what the cyber training facility is going to focus on," Deal said Tuesday.
The massive security breach at Equifax put approximately 143 million people at risk for identity theft and fraud.

The Justice Department is investigating, and Georgia’s attorney general has joined with other states’ attorneys general in creating a civil probe into that breach.

Crews broke ground on the new training center in June. It’s scheduled to be complete by next year.