
Three Dollar Café fails health inspection with a 68


NORTH FULTON COUNTY, Ga. — A well-known restaurant in metro Atlanta failed a health inspection with a score of 68.
The original Three Dollar Café at 8595 Roswell Road opened 32 years ago.
Three Dollar Café advertises itself as a family-friendly sports restaurant and has multiple locations across metro Atlanta.
In the Sept. 14 inspection, the Fulton County health inspector noted seeing small flying insects in the food prep and dishwasher areas.
The management told Channel 2's Carol Sbarge that was because the back door was open after a delivery had just been made.
Other violations included no soap at the hand-washing sink, no sanitizer in the dishwasher, standing water on the kitchen floor and the restaurant didn't have a current food-service permit.
Sbarge went to the Three Dollar Café to find out why it didn't have a current permit and what's being done about the other problems noted.
No one would talk on camera, but a manager said the lapsed permit was an oversight that has been corrected.
He also told Sbarge all the other violations have been addressed.
The restaurant received a 90, which is an "A," on its previous inspection, in January.
Sbarge has not heard back from the owner about why there was a big drop in the inspection score in just nine months.
Management assures they are ready to be re-inspected, which will be within 10 days of the failed inspection.
We'll keep you posted on the new score.