
WATCH: Atlanta woman’s viral video is how all of us feel walking to fridge again

Atlanta woman viral fridge video Video of an Atlanta woman singing has gone viral as she uses humor to help people fight those pandemic pounds

ATLANTA — Video of an Atlanta woman singing has gone viral as she uses humor to help people fight those pandemic pounds. The video is hilarious while also pointing out how many of us can’t stay away from the fridge.

Channel 2′s Tom Jones spoke with K.D. French singing about her love affair with the fridge that even got the attention of Good Morning America.

“I started screaming. I dropped my phone. I started crying,” French said. “I went to the girls’ room to wake them up. Like the video is on GMA. I was hysterical.”

French recorded a video of her singing with versions of herself singing back up about her fight with the fridge. It’s something some of us can identify with during this pandemic.

“Somebody stop me. I’m at the fridge again. She’s at the fridge again,” French says in the video. “Oh I think it’s time for my snack y’all. She’s at the fridge again. Oh it’s been two minutes since the last visit.”

Y’all! Come get ha!!! At least making this song kept me from the fridge for about an hour!! 🤣😂 Jumping jacks, sit ups, and running are in my future!! I can see it... but not today!!! I need to #fastandpray #thefridge #ineedfood #ineedsnacks #atleastithinkido #holdmeback #itsjustwednesday #iwillgetthroughthis

Posted by KD French on Wednesday, August 12, 2020


How did French come up with the tune? The praise and worship leader told Jones the idea just came to her one day.

“And I just started saying wait a minute I’m at the fridge again. And then the words just started coming. The words just started coming. I said I’m gonna go sing that right quick.”

She posted the video on social media, where it became an immediate hit and kept growing. As of Tuesday, her originally Facebook post has 141,000 shares and 12,000 comments.

“It was like literally we are on day 5 and it’s already at like 5 million,” French said.

French told Jones she just wants to make people laugh and not let the tough times get them down. She said she’s just busy doing God’s work.

“I say ‘Go God. Whatever you got. Whatever you want from me. I’m willing to do it.‘”

French has recorded other videos but none has taken off like this one. She said she has gone to the fridge less since the video went viral.