
WATCH: Family celebrates parents 36th anniversary with social distancing surprise

COBB COUNTY, Ga. — Marta and Salvador Mora were expecting a dinner delivery from their daughter but got so much more than that when they opened the front door of their Powder Springs home.

It was the couple’s 36th wedding anniversary on Tuesday.

One of their three daughters, Stephanie Mora, said the family usually goes out to dinner or cooks out at home to celebrate every year.

“I wanted to do something for them, although we couldn’t be in their house or go out to eat, I wanted to do something for them,” Stephanie Mora said.

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She went to Walmart and was surprised to find big balloons of the numbers 3 and 6, a helium tank and some nice frames to put a picture of them in.

“I got a picture frame and printed a picture from a family trip a couple months ago,” she said.

The family trip to Honduras was a gift from her parents, and Stephanie Mora said she hired a professional photographer for a session, so she would be able to give them the gift of a nice memory from the trip.

“I told my sister I wanted to show up and do something, even if it’s just us at our car,” Mora said.

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So, Tuesday morning, she called them to wish them a happy anniversary and tell them not to cook dinner, because she would be sending them the Uber Eats dinner of their choice.

They wanted wings, so Mora says her sister picked up the food.

“I told my sister to have her sons each make a handmade card for them,” Mora said. “They colored, put stickers on it, super cute stuff.”

The couple has three grandsons, ages 5, 8 and 9.

“We all three met up at a place near the neighborhood so we could all drive up together,” Mora said. “Mom called to say they were hungry, told her the food would be there in 10 minutes and to be ready.”

They set up the food, a bottle of champagne, picture frames and the handmade cards right outside their front door.

“I guess the balloons caught their attention because they were waiting for the food anyway,” Mora said. "I set everything up and by the time they opened the door, they saw everyone.”

The happy couple was dressed for their Uber Eats dinner and stunned to see their whole family outside.

“They started crying, we all started crying. We were really emotional, mainly because it’s been like a month since we’ve seen them,” Mora said.

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While it was hard for Mora to see her parents and not be able to hug and kiss them, she says it will be something they all remember.

“My parents are so appreciative of anything we do for them,” Mora said. “Seeing us is when my mom got so choked up because she wasn’t planning on seeing us. She didn’t know when they would be seeing us."