
Georgia Voters: How to check the status of my absentee ballot?

Election Day is here. If you are voting by absentee ballot, your ballot is due to election officials by 7 p.m. on Tuesday.

Once you have submitted your ballot, you can track its status through Georgia’s tracking site, a tool first introduced in 2020 election. You can put in your cell phone number or email address and get notifications once your ballot is received.

[RELATED: What do I do if I still haven’t received my absentee ballot?]

A ballot must be received by the county registrar no later than the close of polls on Election Day. Military and overseas ballots have until Nov. 14.

Delivery can be either U.S. first class mail or hand delivered by the voter. If mailing, you must affix postage to the ballot envelope. Ballots received after the polls close cannot be counted.

All counties must have at least one drop box location. For more information about drop boxes, check with your election registrar.

[RELATED: How do you vote by absentee ballot in Georgia?]

If you have requested your absentee ballot, but still haven’t received it, you’ll have to vote in person to cast your ballot.

“You have to show up in person. So, you want to cancel your absentee ballot. And then you sign an affidavit, they’ll have to mark that absentee ballot as canceled, and then you will be allowed to vote in person,” said Georgia Voting Implementation Manager Gabriel Sterling.

In Georgia, people voting by absentee ballot do not need to provide a reason for voting absentee.

You can read the Secretary of State’s guide to absentee voting for more details.

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