Rome 7-day weather forecast

Stacker compiled the weather forecast in Rome, Georgia using data from OpenWeather.

Stacker created the forecast for Rome, Georgia using data from OpenWeather. This week's high is 67 °F on Tuesday, while the low is 31 °F on Monday. There is expected to be 1 sunny day, snow on 1 day, and 4 days of rain this week.

NWS Peachtree City GA has issued a special weather statement until Tuesday at 07:00 PM.

Monday, March 3

- High of 61 °F, low of 31 °F (31% humidity)

- Partly cloudy with a 0% chance of rain

- High risk of harm from sun exposure (5 UV index)

- Light breeze (4 mph wind)

- Sunrise at 7:06 AM, sunset at 6:38 PM

loreanto // Shutterstock

Tuesday, March 4

- High of 67 °F, low of 40 °F (57% humidity)

- Overcast with a 95% chance of rain (1 mm of rain)

- Moderate risk of harm from sun exposure (5 UV index)

- Strong breeze (26 mph wind)

- Sunrise at 7:05 AM, sunset at 6:39 PM

Dmitry Naumov // Shutterstock

Wednesday, March 5

- High of 61 °F, low of 41 °F (65% humidity)

- Mostly sunny with a 100% chance of rain (31 mm of rain)

- Moderate risk of harm from sun exposure (2 UV index)

- Fresh breeze (20 mph wind)

- Sunrise at 7:04 AM, sunset at 6:40 PM


Thursday, March 6

- High of 53 °F, low of 37 °F (39% humidity)

- Partly cloudy with a 20% chance of snow (0 mm of snow)

- High risk of harm from sun exposure (6 UV index)

- Moderate breeze (14 mph wind)

- Sunrise at 7:03 AM, sunset at 6:41 PM

- First quarter moon

Andrew Lever // Shutterstock

Friday, March 7

- High of 60 °F, low of 36 °F (35% humidity)

- Overcast with a 0% chance of rain

- High risk of harm from sun exposure (6 UV index)

- Gentle breeze (11 mph wind)

- Sunrise at 7:01 AM, sunset at 6:41 PM

LeManna // Shutterstock

Saturday, March 8

- High of 65 °F, low of 44 °F (45% humidity)

- Partly cloudy with a 41% chance of rain (0 mm of rain)

- High risk of harm from sun exposure (6 UV index)

- Moderate breeze (13 mph wind)

- Sunrise at 7:00 AM, sunset at 6:42 PM

Gary Whitton // Shutterstock

Sunday, March 9

- High of 55 °F, low of 37 °F (48% humidity)

- Mostly cloudy with a 100% chance of rain (10 mm of rain)

- High risk of harm from sun exposure (6 UV index)

- Gentle breeze (12 mph wind)

- Sunrise at 6:59 AM, sunset at 6:43 PM