
Melania Trump unveils newly renovated White House Rose Garden


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Three weeks ago, first lady Melania Trump announced she would undertake a project to renovate the White House Rose Garden.

The renewal project aimed to re-imagine the garden to better reflect its 1962 design by Rachel Lambert Mellon during the Kennedy Administration. The garden of the time was approved by and later dedicated to Jacqueline Kennedy.

“Decades of use and necessary changes made to support the modern presidency have taken a toll on the garden and have made it more difficult to appreciate the elegant symmetry of the Mellon plan,” the White House wrote in a press release. “The refreshment of the Rose Garden will ... help ensure it will thrive with improved infrastructure, better drainage and a healthier environment for plantings.”

Trump said maintaining a garden takes hard work and demonstrates “the possibility of a bright future.”

“Preserving the history and beauty of the White House and its grounds is a testament to our nation’s commitment to the care of this landscape and our dedication to American ideals, safeguarding them for our children and their children for generations to come,” she said.

The updated garden was revealed Saturday.

According to C-SPAN, a new limestone pathway was laid and 10 crab apple trees were removed. The trees will be planted elsewhere around the White House grounds at some point in the future.

Adjustments were also made to improve accessibility as outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The refurbished garden features the white “JFK Rose,” smaller pink roses, plus “peace” roses and the “Pope John Paul II Rose,” according to a pool report.

The White House did not release the cost of the project but said it was funded by private donations.

While a garden had been on the site for years, Ellen Wilson, the first wife of Woodrow Wilson, commissioned the Rose Garden in 1913. Wilson deemed the Katherine Crab Apple Tree the signature tree of the garden at the time, according to White House archives. The trees removed this month were said to have been casting too much shade on nearby flowers.

The first lady will deliver a speech in the garden Tuesday for the Republican National Convention.