Piece of eroded shoreline moving as floating island on Michigan lake

A large patch of shoreline eroded and became a floating island on a Michigan lake.

Pieces of floating land are not incredibly rare but this is such a large piece it has become a mystery as to how it got onto Muskegon Lake, the Detroit Free Press reported.

"We have had (floating islands) in the past, but they tend to be much smaller, cattails that break off from a coastal wetland," Alan D. Steinman, director of the Annis Water Resources Institute at Grand Valley State University said. "This one is bizarre."

What makes the mysterious island more curious, is the vegetation on it - which does not appear to be typical shoreline flora. 

“I’m bewildered, to tell the truth,” Steinman said. “I’d like to find it and get out on it, or close to it, to figure out the vegetation. I’m on Muskegon Lake, and I’m looking out my window, hoping it will float by.”